Target the right people for your private label dating sites

We find that tracking and analysis are one of the keys to a successful private label dating site. Focusing your time on what works and cutting costs and effort on what doesn’t will help you succeed with your private label dating site. We have introduced many types of reporting in the past to help determine the best course of action for our partners as they continue to move forward with their business. Our new dashboard provided these reports in our 2013 review of our platform.
Today I am pleased to announce the full release of our global demographic stat report. This allows our partners to review their own sites members by country. They can also break down traffic based on member age, gender, membership, and education level. Some partners may find that their campaigns are working very well for a certain age group in the UK but not in the USA.
In the screenshot above, this account is mostly sending traffic from the US and most of them are men. What is interesting for this specific account is that when they do send women, they convert into paying members at a 5.88% rate. Since this is only 1 day’s worth of stats (and its only 3PM) I wouldn’t make too many changes based on the stats shown, but it is something to watch.
If you want to learn more about what kind of information you can acquire from this report, or any other report, please contact one of our partner managers to help you get the information you are looking for.