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Get 100% revenue for your Private Label dating site

By | December 23, 2013
Traffic Chart

During the holidays its always best to give back. Here at we are giving back to all of our partners, new and old. Starting this holiday season, anyone that has an account will receive 100% revenue share for the next 6 months. 

We are doing this for a very simple reasn:

The more you make the more traffic you will send
– Pretty simple logic here. The more you make the more you will be inclined to send more traffic to your Private Label dating sites. The more traffic all of you are sending the better conversion rates and member interaction. Our main focus for 2014 is growth and paying out our members as much as we can. Also our business is built upon providing the best service to our partners. The more our partners make the happier they will be.

The 100% revenue share applies for any billing transactions your members get. This includes, initial upgrades, rebills, cams and any other crosssells.

For more information please contact your partner manager.



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