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Twitter Ads conversion tracking

By | December 18, 2013

When it comes to your Private Label dating site it is always important to know what traffic is working and what isn’t. Today I was pleased to see that Twitter has released the availability of conversion tracking. Conversion tracking is huge when it comes to figuring out if the traffic you are sending is actually making you money.

How it works
Your traffic source, in this case Twitter, provides a code to place on pages that you want to track a task for. In regards to your Private Label dating site, this can be a registration or a purchase/sale. When a user clicks on your ad and completes the registration or sale, the code sends data back to the source, Twitter, and it counts as a conversion. This way in analytics you can see which campaigns get clicks but more importantl,y which are making you money.

With Twitter you can see which targeed audiences are making you the most money and getting you the most signups. Without this conversion tracking it would all be speculation.

If you are interested in using social media to promote your Private Label dating site I highly recommend checking out Twitter Conversion tracking.

*Image used from “


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